23. May 2019

New direction.

After changing the brand strategy for Rennecke Consulting, we set about redesigning their logo. We decided to leave the classic style behind and to make the signet and typography smoother. This produced a stronger, simpler and more direct look without impairing the basic idea.


More News:
12. January 2021


10. December 2020

x-mas 2020

14. July 2019

Safety manual EDG

23. May 2019

Redesign Rennecke Consulting

05. February 2019

TDC Award

21. June 2018

LIQVIS at IAA trade fair 2018

07. May 2018

wiehl, Co. mailing

10. January 2018

Our Comments 2017

07. December 2017

x-mas 2017

17. November 2017

Graphic concept Möbelbörse